There are numerous varieties of worms, in the human body alone more than 250 species of parasites can live.
They can be very small or several meters in size. Their habitats in the human body are quite diverse, from the intestines and liver to the heart, brain, joints, blood and even the eyes.
Many are interested in how to get rid of worms? But you won't need to get rid of them if you don't get infected by them, if you follow preventive measures.
To do this, it is recommended to carry out deworming, the so-called process of getting rid of pests from the human body.

Symptoms of parasite infestation
Sometimes the parasite infection process can go by without symptoms, but this is rare, so consider the signs of a parasite infection:
- As uninvited guests poison your body, their toxic secretions entering your bloodstream can make your skin red and itchy.
- Your immune system weakens, you may get sick more often, and chronic illnesses may arise. Again, this is due to the toxic secretions of the parasites, because they silently spread through the blood and thus significantly lower immunity.
- You may feel unwell in the morning, this feeling may alternate with a strong desire to eat.
- Problems with bowel movements (constipation, diarrhea, flatulence).
- Hair falls out more and nails break more easily.
- Body temperature rises for no reason.
- You tire quickly and weakness often manifests itself, both in the body and in the body in general.
- Pain in abdomen and muscles.
Medical treatment for parasites
If you, or people close to you, noticed the above signs, you need to visit a specialist - an infectious disease specialist.
He must prescribe an examination that will help in the selection of an effective and effective treatment.
There are a number of parasites that can only be removed surgically. To combat other parasites, anthelmintic drugs are used. They are prescribed based on the type of worm you have.
How are parasites diagnosed?
Only a specialist can accurately diagnose the presence of worms in your body. Determining the presence of unwanted guests in the body can occur in three ways.
The first method is a bacterioscopic analysis of the feces, this method is the simplest and does not require large financial costs.
But of course the effectiveness of this method is not very good, it is effective only when the eggs were laid by the worms in the anus and after a little time has passed.
And if male parasites are common in your body, it won't work to determine them that way.
For this reason, experts say that the analysis of droppings should be carried out three times (every other day), and it would be even better if you did it on a full moon, as this is when the worm activity increases.
The second method is the enzyme immunoassay method (a blood test is performed). After a blood test of the veins, you can determine if it contains antibodies to worms.
When the level of eosinophils is three times higher than normal, it can already be considered that a parasite is present in the body.
With an indicator increased twice, we can say that there was a parasite in the body, but the body dealt with it on its own.
And the third way is computer diagnosis - this is one of the best ways to detect parasites.
The device can detect more than 20 types of parasites, this happens with the help of bioresonant vibrations.
Experts believe that diagnosing parasites is a waste of time and money. Immunologists claim that at some point in their life, a person has been or will be a carrier of worms.
For this reason, it is simply better to take preventative measures (ie deworming) once or twice a year.
Especially, prevention should be carried out by people who have pets and small children.
infection process
Most of the time, unwashed hands can be blamed for the worm infestation. That's why it's so important to wash your hands well and always with soap, after going to the bathroom, contact with money or after using public transport.
Also, do not forget that the products (vegetables or fruits) must also be washed, as, in one way or another, they have come into contact with the soil or with the hands of many people who could have worm eggs.
Dirty water can also be a source of infection. If you go to a body of water where, in addition to people, there may be animals, there is a possibility that you inadvertently take a sip of liquid, which may contain helminth eggs.
Folk methods of treatment
The use of alternative treatment methods can be used in conjunction with drug therapy.
Below you will see the most common recipes that will help you to deal with helminths quickly and without harming your body.
pumpkin seeds
Using pumpkin seeds, perhaps this way:
- We take 300 g of seeds in the shell, pass them through a meat grinder, pour water in a ratio of 1: 2 and keep in a water bath for two hours.
- We filter the resulting broth. We remove the oily-looking film and drink this decoction for half an hour in the morning on an empty stomach.
- After two hours, after drinking the decoction, you need to take a laxative.
Chanterelles with parasites
- If you have worms, mushrooms such as chanterelles can help, but in order for them to be effective, they must be used raw, the course of treatment takes ten days, during this period it is necessary to eat 3 mushrooms twice a day.
- But if you're not a fan of raw mushrooms, you can use dried chanterelle tincture.
- To prepare it, you need to dry the mushrooms at a temperature of up to 40 degrees, and then grind them into a powder. It is necessary to pour 1 teaspoon of 150 ml of vodka and let this mixture ferment for ten days, stirring this mixture regularly.
- Before taking it, you need to shake it, but in no case filter it. Within two months, drink this tincture before going to bed, two teaspoons.
milk and garlic
- To get rid of worms, such a simple but very effective remedy like garlic milk can help us.
- A porridge of five cloves of garlic, previously grated on a fine grater, pour a glass of milk and boil over low heat for 15 minutes.
- After cooking, cover with a lid and let it ferment for several hours.
- The course of treatment takes seven days, and during these days this tincture is taken in the morning before meals.
ginger for parasites
- To prepare an alcohol tincture, you need to grate the ginger root, pour 0. 5 vodka and let it ferment for 15 days in a place where the light does not fall.
- The course of treatment takes 14 days, you need to take the tincture three times a day, half an hour before meals.
Wormwood grass against parasites
Not a single treatment for parasites will pass without the mention of wormwood, therapy with this herb is carried out as follows:
- For three days, every three hours, put in your mouth not a full teaspoon of dry wormwood, you can swallow and drink. Must be less than 6 receptions.
- After three days, you can reduce the amount by up to 4 times.
- The course of treatment is one week.
worms in children
To get rid of worms in children, you can use such means as:
- Carrots and honey. This method is really good for kids because this recipe is sweet. Mix 100 grams of carrot seeds with 500 grams of honey. You need to take a tablespoon of the mixture three times a day. Add a small amount of lemon juice and honey to the carrot juice, taking the mixture twice a day, one tablespoon each.
- Sorrel helps in the fight against worms in children, it needs to be consumed several stems a day.
- Grind the skin of a pomegranate, boil it in a glass of boiled water. Take on an empty stomach for 1. 5 hours in three divided doses.
- Blueberries are considered a very tasty and effective way to fight helminths, and it doesn't matter if they are frozen, fresh or candied. These berries are considered a natural regulator of metabolism. In addition, blueberries contribute to the loss of the ability to reproduce in worms.
Preventive measures
Remember that fighting the infection is more difficult than preventing it. It is only necessary to adhere to a series of rules, the observance of which will help to prevent the appearance of unwanted guests on your body.
Below are some simple but important tips:
- It is very important to observe the rules of personal hygiene and do not forget to get the child used to this from a conscious age. It is necessary for the child to know that you need to wash your hands before eating and after walking outside. It is also very important that children know how to wash their hands after using the toilet.
- You should also wash fruits and vegetables before eating them. You need to wash them under running, lukewarm water, or immediately before using, pour over them with hot water or boiling water.
- Also, if there are homeless animals near you, you do not need to pet or play with them as they are considered carriers of parasites and various diseases. And your pets should undergo anthelmintic therapy twice a year.
- Young children often pick up various objects from the floor and taste them, yes, they study the outside world this way, but it can be extremely dangerous.
- If meat and fish products are not heat processed, use them with extreme caution.